Thursday, November 3, 2011

The X Factor: Review

The show is rather bad isn't it?
I don't know what there is about it but I just wasn't that impressed. While I had little love for American Idol, I feel I still prefer that show to the one I watched last night. Maybe it's because of the simpering flattery of four judges who aren't that famous to deserve such words of reverence or the very bewildeirng song choice or maybe the contestants themselves who aren't up to snuff but I had no love for the show yesterday.
Let's start with the Judges. Paula Abdul, Nicole Scherzinger, L.A. Reid and Simon Cowell would not know a great voice if they got bludgeoned with it. Either that or they are under contract to be extremely nice to every contestant which seems more likely the case. Because each singer was not the greatest ever. Maybe saying that on national TV was more like a confession in the judges' own inadequacies for none said anything of the sort, the artists were all praised to high heaven. The song choices were horrid and quite confusing. The need to "label" a singer as something one-dimensional, sickening. How is anyone supposed to be a musician when they are only allowed one type of music? Why pick songs that are either so out-dated or so out of touch with the artist? Why not allow the singers to pick songs they feel are the best suited to their OWN personality? What is the purpose of these so called "coaches" who are just leading them down the wrong path? It just seems like one big ego trip for Simon Cowell and maybe a little for the rest of the judges, so they can be in control of everything.
And the singers! What sort of travesty are they? Most of them weren't even on tune. Maybe it was the extremely bad choice of song with which they were forced to contend with or a deep-rooted nervousness at being live, but half of the singers were not on key. I kept waiting for them to become aware of their backing track, of the fact that they were not with it but they always disappointed. The only artists worth noting were Melanie Amaro, Rachel Crow, Drew, Astro and Marcus Canty. The rest could go, in my humble opinion.
This just shows how much of a judgemental person I am. I think if I was a jugde on that show I would be the meanest one there. I can hear off-key singing from a mile away and that would be my ultimate concern and ultimate fixation. I also have read way too much Phantom books so the title character's acerbic wit is now imprinted on my brain for now.
Let's hope they start getting better and that America doesn't vote the best off or else there will be no hope for this show.
Who wanted a second season?? ...

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