Thursday, December 8, 2011

DS9 Review: "The Storyteller"

So the whole premise of this episode is about the Bajoran world. O'Brien and Bashir go to Bajor while two Bajoran factions who are arguing about land come to the Space Station to negotiate terms of a land treaty. It was an alright episode. I wasn't that into it. I'm not a huge fan of episodes that center on Nog and Jake. I don't like Nog in general. He just annoys me.

The good:

+Bashir was quite funny in this episode. How he's trying to get on O'Brien's good side and when he has a sneaking suspicion that O'Brien doesn't like him...well when O'Brien gets stuck being the Sirrah (or storyteller for a Bajoran village that they visit) Bashir cannot hide his glee. And he's constantly goading the situation to get more and more uncomfortable for O'Brien.

+Other than that...I can't think of anything I thought was good.

The Eh:

+Again, Jake and Nog-centric episodes always annoy me. They're irritating and I don't like it when they do stuff to get into trouble. I felt bad for Odo this episode because they go and try to steal where he sleeps (which is in a bucket in his office) and Nog fills it with oatmeal and throws it on Jake and Odo catches them. I felt like they were disrespecting Odo and driving home the point that Odo is "different" just to impress some girl. I know it's supposed to be harmless fun but it's still not a great way to act.

+The young girl who played the leader of one of the factions arguing could not act for beans. You can tell she had a hard time speaking the lines and it just sounded so fake. I don't like it when people can't act throws me out of the story.

+The guy who tries to kill O'Brien and then turns out to be good. What? Why would he go and try to kill him and not just sit down and talk to the guy? Could he seriously not see that O'Brien didn't want the job? I mean if he had killed him then he would have regretted it because O'Brien didn't even WANT to be the Sirrah.

+The stupid monster thing. Really? A manifestation of their fears? WHY would you make something like that in the first place anyway? That is so dumb. Once a year the whole village has to freaking come together and "believe" that they can defeat this thing. Are the villagers really that dumb to need a "Storyteller" to make them "band together"? Why can't they just band together themselves. Why won't the "Storyteller" tell them that it's their own dumb fears that is creating the monster? Then they could stop having a monster! Uhh duh?

Hopefully the next episode is better? Hopefully more other people centered.

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