Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

Hello again.


This movie came and went.

What can I say about this movie?

Spoilers under the cut.

The good:

       =Jeremy Renner: Well, I mean he's good in general. And this time he was great with what he was given which was a weak script and even weaker story. If you don't agree with me, I will just direct you to when he has to play being extremely ill. Because that was some A+ acting right there. And then I'll direct you to when he's in the cabin and he's trying to talk to the other agent and inject some humor into the situation. And it's genuinely funny and he's warm-hearted and just wanting another person to talk to. And the other guy is just not having it. And then I'll direct you to when he's trying to convince the Doctor, played by Rachel Weisz, that he's not crazy and he doesn't want to kill her. His eyes wide and innocent, hands up in a placating gesture, slowly going down to his knees. Or when they're in the car and he has to persuade her to go to the Philippines and telling her earnestly that she has no other option. Or when they're in the airport and she's freaking out and he's practically radiating waves of calm. Or those little nuances of knowing that his IQ is going to drop soon, that he won't be able to make the connections he needs to in his brain, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, brow furrowed in pain. So don't tell me that he can't act. Because he can. With just one look you know what's going on in the character's mind. Which is especially helpful in a movie that had no dialogue a lot of the times. And then when it did, it was clumsily handled exposition.
       =Rachel Weisz: She was great. She's a great actress in general but I loved her handle on the character. She's smart obviously, but she's not an action hero. The character is a doctor, and Aaron Cross needs her for a specific reason. She's afraid and can't hold a gun or shoot it. But she's not a damsel-in-distress. She saves him a lot of the times, almost as much as he saves her. Weisz plays the smart every woman extremely well and her portrayal is well acted. Her uncertainty in having to forge her way to the Philippines, her little pauses and trip ups, her care for his well being in the end, it's all well done. She just didn't get that much to do. Her chemistry with Renner was there but I'm glad they didn't get it on while he was extremely ill. That would have been extremely unrealistic. the rest of the movie.
       =Edward Norton: He's always great. His character was kind of a throwaway one though. And a lot of shots were basically him being angry and frustrated a lot. He was basically there to give you backstory. I do like him though. They just didn't use him enough.

The Bad:
I guess I'm not gonna break it down. There were too many bad things to even break down. The beginning was slow. A lot of shots of JRenner in the show and trekking alone in the wild blue yonder, climbing mountains, fighting...wolves? I didn't get that. Are they hunting him because they don't consider him human anymore? Is that what that plot point was supposed to be? Because of the gene splicing and all that? I don't even know what the plot was supposed to be. There were forty minutes of movie that were just...not needed. At all. Really. It was a waste of my time. The action scenes were alright. Brutal I suppose and some things I haven't seen before but not enough of them. The Philippines was an interesting place to put it but I don't think it was interesting enough. Not that much stuff happened there either. It was sort of a non...existent film. By the end I was like alright, let's move on. The thing that makes me mad though was that it COULD have been good. They could have done a lot with the plot lines and the characters. I don't even know what but something other than what they had. It just didn't have a plot in the beginning then all the sudden the plot was something extremely simplistic. He needed to "viral off" the blue pills or green pills or whatever so he could stay smart and that was it. And then they sent a random Asian assassin after them and he's killed by the doctor's foot pushing his motorcycle into the way of the pole and that's the end of him. And the film. And it was very abrupt and odd. And...are they going to have another film? Because the end seems so...not the end. I don't know. I was disappointed. I wanted it to be so good and it just. Wasn't. It seemed like half a movie. How you going to just. Let the Touchstone project alone like that Aaron? Like nothing was resolved at all. The overall plot of the Touchstone program wasn't even. Touched. (no pun intended?). Nothing we haven't learned before, nothing that was solved. Are they waiting for Matt Damon to come back? It was forgettable.

And that's that.

Maybe I'll write more about it later but. Probably not.

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