Thursday, January 5, 2012

Most Anticipated Blockbuster Movies for 2012

So in this post from, they list the 15 most anticipated movies for 2012 and I would like to go through them and write my own opinion on whether they deserve to be on this list or not.

After the jump.

1. John Carter:  

They need to do some more press for this film because I still don't know what the hell this movie is about. I've seen two different trailers for it and I'm still sitting in the theater going...what did I just watch? What I've gotten from the trailer is that it's about a guy...on a planet...that may or may not be Earth, with a bunch of alien looking people and a girl...who is not alien but human...and a dude who's human...and a few big battles...for no reason whatsoever. Oh and the dude runs around shirtless a lot. Again, for no apparent reason. Is it supposed to be Mars? Are they Martians? Why does he have the most boring name ever? John Carter...It reminds me of The Terminator. They need a better trailer, seriously.

2. The Hunger Games:

I am quite excited for this movie because I read the book. I didn't read the other books in the Trilogy because I heard they just go downhill from the first one but I have to say The Hunger Games is NOT children reading. It's about teenagers killing each not suitable material for little kids. I wonder how they're gonna do it in the movie and still keep it PG-13. I like Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, she looks a lot different with brown hair and with a leaner face. Josh Hutcherson is an amazing actor so I already know he's going to be great as Peeta and Liam Hemsworth as Gale...well, two out of three ain't bad. Juuuust kidding! Although I've never seen Liam Hemsworth act so we'll see. Woody Harrelson would be a great Haymitch. Again, not much information has been released so we'll have to wait. The ending is going to be creepy though.

3. The Avengers: 


Do I have to say any more?

Okay, I will.

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Loki and freaking NICK FURY all in one movie? Yes please. Because it means Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner, and Samuel L. Jackson all together in one place. The amount of shenanigans that must have gone on in that movie...I can't even imagine.

And all the pretty men! Haha...can't help it. I'm a girl. It's hard to ignore extremely good looking guys running around in tights.

The special effects are gonna be amazing. So are the fights. So is the acting...and the DIRECTOR OF ALL NERDS JOSS WHEDON IS AT THE HELM. But he has a knack for killing off the most beloved Wash from Firefly or Topher from Dollhouse...and I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be Hawkeye this time...

4. Snow White and the Huntsman: 

I do NOT like Kristen Stewart. I do not think she can act but this movie looks pretty amazing. That is how a trailer is edited...seriously. They focused on their strengths, like Charlize Theron's acting chops and didn't put any shots of Kristen Stewart speaking which would probably have killed the dramatic flow of the trailer. ("PLEASE. LET. ME. GO." --Stewart says woodenly. "A VAMPIRE.") Yeahh...good job trailer editor dude. Charlize Theron looks amazing in this film and her character is so interesting as the evil queen. I'm really excited to see her play this one out. And Snow White in plate armor? UH  YES. While I might not like Stewart, I'm not going to object to seeing a woman in armor and fighting like a badass. Chris Hemsworth is in this one too...boy he does get around.

5. Prometheus: 

This is supposedly the prequel to Alien. But I've never seen Alien so I don't know how excited I am for this movie. It has Michael Fassbender who is a great actor and Charlize Theron again and Guy Pearce who I haven't seen since The Hurt Locker/Count of Monte Cristo so the star quality is there. The trailer is edited to look extremely scary and I hate scary again, not sure if I'm going to see it.

6. Brave:

YAY. Another Pixar/Disney movie is coming out this year. I'm excited because she seems so badass. She can wield that bow like nobody's business. And it's a girl protagonist and she's so feisty and I love scottish accents. And the visuals! I love the scenery and it just looks stunning.

7. The Amazing Spider-Man: 

I know this is supposedly a retelling of the Spider-Man story because the first one...first of all Tobey Maguire as Spiderman? Can you believe that? I can't...and second of all, it was extremely hokey, especially by the third one. I'm glad it's getting a revamp but I don't really like Spiderman anyway. In the first three movies I always felt like he was such a whiny idiot and felt no sympathy for him whatsoever. Mary Jane was was his best friend Harry...the villains weren't that great and they just were not that well made. Andew Garfield is Spiderman and Emma Stone plays Gwen Stacey. Andrew Garfield can act, that's for sure but as an action hero..? I guess we'll just have to see. Emma Stone makes me laugh but there's something sort of annoying about her so we'll see for her too. I don't know, I'm just not that excited for this one.

8. The Dark Knight Rises: 


Christopher Nolan, in you we trust. Seriously. Inception had some of the most mind-blowing visuals I have ever seen put on film, so this time around, it better be just as good visually. The scene of the football stadium imploding was pretty freaking amazing and he's shooting it in IMAX again. I want to see it in the IMAX theater in the Air and Space Museum in Virginia because it's true IMAX but..that would be an expensive movie ticket (airfare+hotel+movie=not gonna happen unless I get rich all of a sudden).

Hans Zimmer on soundtrack again...his score really gives me goosebumps. Everytime I hear that "BMMMM" from his Batman theme I get shivers up and down my back.

And I love Batman, much more than I love Spiderman...or any other of the superheros I think.

Christian Bale is again Batman. Yay.

Tom Hardy as Bane. Freaking Yes. Tom Hardy is a great actor and I'm glad his career's been taking off.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Yay.

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. I love love love Anne Hathaway. Sometimes I think she's too nice and cheery for this role but then again she is an actress so she'll be able to pull it off.

And Gary Oldman and Michael Caine--LOVE.

And the trailer was AMAZING. The flying Tumbler/Batmobile thing?? OMG. I love the technology in his Bat-Universe. And the batmotorbike. Love. I think I loved the Tumbler the most out of everything or everybody else in the first movie. ...I have a problem when it comes to cool gadgets.

9. The Bourne Legacy: 

I think I have a Jeremy Renner problem. I seriously admired him ever since I saw him in The Unusuals, and then in The Hurt Locker...and in MI4...and so on. But I'm really excited for this movie because I love the Bourne Trilogy. Matt Damon is great as the spy who doesn't know he's a spy. I love his fighting style. It's very brutal and efficient which I think Renner will be able to pick up on. I'm not a huge fan of the Kung Fu/flying wires style when it comes to spy movies. It should be quick and to the point. With one hit you should know that that person is down and isn't going to get up. Which is why all the older James Bond movies were just kind of hokey. Daniel Craig's Bond is a lot more efficient which all comes down to the fighting style that Bourne introduced. I really hope they keep it in that style and don't go all Hollywood and fantasy on it. I love not knowing who's the spy and who isn't. That's the fun of watching the movies. Seeing how he interacts with the real world and seeing how if that happened in real life, would we really pay attention to it?

Edward Norton as the villain will be amazing. He's an amazing actor and does a great villain.

Rachel someone. I wonder if she's going to be the love interest? I don't really like romantic spy action movies. It kinda makes me annoyed. Like the third Bourne movie, he didn't have anyone. And I liked it a lot better because he didn't. It was a refreshing break from all the other movies with unresolved sexual tension everywhere you look. Maybe I'm just not a romantic but it was more like GIVE ME MORE FIGHTING, LESS WITH THE MAKING EYES AND CRAPPY DIALOGUE.

Jeremy Renner. I wanna see him kick some butt. He was extremely good in MI4. So PLEASE PLEASE give him some badass fighting sequences. And let him act. Because he's extremely good at that too. (It's going to be the year of Jeremy Renner because he has like three movies coming out...)

10. Gangster Squad:

Supposedly a crime thriller about the 40's era after WWII? Okay. The clothes are going to be good. But not a huge fan of Sean Penn or Josh Brolin or Ryan Gosling...I like Giovanni Ribisi. And I liked Zombieland which was also shot by the yeah. I think he should stick to comedy because Zombieland was really funny and I don't know how well his style will meld with a period piece.

11. Skyfall: 

BOND IS BACK BOND IS BACK. YAY. I love Daniel Craig's Bond. I think he's utterly charming in his charmlessness and a great action star. You can see why he would be picked by MI-6 for killing people. He's very good at that.
Javier Bardem as the a good choice. I want to see what he brings to the movie. Ralph Fiennes and Albert Finney are also talented in the acting department so I'm excited. It's going to be good. All those acting skills in one place? It has to be.

12. Gravity: 

I have never heard of this movie before this list. Sandra Bullock stranded in space..? Um. Okay. Intriguing concept but will it work? I always think of Sandra Bullock as comedy rather than we'll see how that turns out...if I even watch it. It doesn't hold much appeal for me. Again, I'm not a huge fan of drama.
Oh and George Clooney's in it.

13. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey:

For the third time, can I get a HELL YES?

Martin Freeman!!

And cameos by like...everyone. Saruman, Gandalf, Frodo, Legolas, older Bilbo, Gollum, Elrond, Galadriel! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE I CAN'T EVEN PUT IT INTO WORDS.

And they're shooting it in 3D and you KNOW Peter Jackson is going to do 3D right.

Watching this movie is going to be like coming home after a very long trip. I love love love Lord of the Rings so much. I was just waiting for the next one. I'm glad they split it into two parts this time. I'm glad to fork over 14 dollars to watch and be reminded of my childhood again.

14: Django Unchained: 

Directed by Quentin Tarantino so you know there's gonna be a lot of blood. And a really strong cast with Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Sacha Baron Cohen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. And he's taking on the spaghetti western. Who know what he'll come up with? I mean in Inglorious Basterds, they ended up killing Hitler..and everyone basically died in the end. Not exactly historically correct...

15. Les Miserables: 

I am warily excited for this movie. Excited because I love Les Miserables the musical. The music is amazing and it's so iconic. It's been running in the West End for a really long time. But wary because...of the cast. Tom Hooper is directing and he did The King's Speech so I'm trying to be optimistic. That movie won an Oscar so hopefully he doesn't screw this one up...but you never know. The way the cast is going it doesn't seem like it'll be that great. Russell Crowe as Javert...can he sing? Hugh Jackman as Valjean, I know he can sing but can he sing well enough? I heard they were going to be live-singing on set as they act...but that's extremely difficult and none of them are Broadway actors. Eddie Redmayne as Marius...I've never even heard of this guy really. He's a British actor...but can he SING? That's the point. It's a MUSICAL. And Aaron Tveit as Enjrolas but I don't think his voice fits. It's too high and reedy, not the baritone it needs to be.  And Sacha Baron Cohen as Monsieur alright. He has the comedy for the role but I don't know if he can be menacing? I also think he's too young. I think Geoffrey Rush would have been a better choice but...oh well. The only thing they did right was cast Helena Bonham Carter for Madame Thenardier. The one thing they did horribly horribly wrong was offer the role of Eponine to TAYLOR SWIFT. Ugh. No offense Taylor Swift fans, but she does not have the voice to sing this part. Unless it is auto-tuned a her music... And if it's live-singing it's going to be even worse! I really hope she turns it down or that these rumors are not true. Or that she makes me eat my words. Because I would rather be wrong and have her be amazing than be right and have the movie suck.

So my rundown of this year's movies. I guess I'll be posting reviews as I watch them. This was very long. Sorry.

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