Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blast from the Past: Harry Potter 6 Review

Saw Harry Potter 6.

It was okay. I mean better than some other of the Harry Potter films and stuck pretty close to the book but it wasn't THAT great. It was like every other Harry Potter, mediocre. Just the story making it something more than just ordinary.

On the good side:

Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy was pretty good. I mean he brought a sort of humanity to the character I guess. Although there were some shots where he was very good looking...and I liked his suit....but other shots where he wasn't good looking at all.

Oliver and James Phelps as the Weasley Twins were GREAT! I know have a thing for the Weasley Twins. I mean seriously. It's kinda like that for every Harry Potter fan who likes boys. First they like Harry and then move on to Secondary characters and then maybe back to Harry and then back to a secondary character again. I liked their shop. It was like a dream....for all mischief makers.

Alan Rickman as Snape was wonderful as usual. I like his sort of low-key approach to Snape. Not the sort of seething, frothing at the mouth madman that other people seem to think of him as.

Dumblerdore's death was done with great clarity and emotion. When Snape all of a sudden said Avada Kedavra I nearly cried right then and there. The look in his eyes was perfect. I almost did cry when Dumbledore died. I wish they would have put in Dumbledore's funeral though with the white tomb.

The fumbles at love were really funny and rightly so. But I feel as if they didn't really expand on it. Like Ginny and Harry. He was supposed to kiss her after a Quidditch match in front of everyone and he didn't. I feel as if they cheated us out of a moment. Blegh.

Cormac McClaggen was perfect. Whoever he was.

Hermione's hair in the potions should be that fluffy all the time!


Kinda fishy about Snape and Draco....especially when he pushes him against the wall. I foresee many slash fics popping up in the future.

And Harry being kinda....loopy after drinking the Felix Felicis....

Bad things:

There was one moment when Harry looked like Michael Jackson. NO JOKE. I mean his face was really really pale and he looked like he had eyeliner on and his lips were really red.

Bonnie Wright as Ginny was was like Ginny had no personality. Everything was said as a monotone. And the director seemed to put her in at the most randomest of times.

They didn't really expand on the Half Blood Prince even though that's what the movie is named. They could have just named it Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Quest for all I cared and that would have been a more truthful title.

They didn't put much of the meat of the book in it....other than Dumbledore's Quest.

Harry mouthbreathed wayyy too much. I don't I even like Daniel Radcliffe anymore?? The world might never know.

Bellatrix's kiss on Draco's neck...bleghhh....incest.

All in all it was an okay movie. I still love Harry Potter and I love the fact that the stories were put in visual form but the books are still better.

As usual.

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