Sunday, October 16, 2011

Introductions all around!

Hi, I'm Lauren...

"Hi Lauren."

And I'm a movie/musical theater/literary/tv shows/most things geek.

I feel like starting one of these things is an awkward situation. I mean how much do you tell your prospective audience? What if no one reads such things? But here I am, letting my geek flag fly. I hide it pretty well, this geek heart of mine. No one really suspects unless I let loose about my love of Star Trek, why Lord of the Rings is one of my most favorite movies, or the fact that I've seen Phantom of the Opera on Broadway 3 times. I feel like now it's "cool" to be a geek. But when I was in high school (not that long ago), it was weird to be a geek. Now it's considered "hipster" to like old things or things out of the ordinary, in high school, I knew a boy who made little Lord of the Rings figurines, wore the One Ring around his neck and had the nickname "Frodo" and everyone avoided him. Okay, what he did might be a bit much, but nowadays he would be commended for his "out of the way" interests.

So this blog is being started for what I love most, the geekdom. Mostly it'll probably be movie reviews, book reviews, things I'm excited for, and other random rants/observations about life. I'm going to actually keep a blog for things instead of letting it die like all my other journals (coughlivejournalcough).

Starting now...

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